psaltery Title
The Fyre and Lightning Consort

Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Sefardic, British Isles & original music!

The Fyre and Lightning Baroque Ensemble

Click on the titles below to hear sample audio from our recordings.

All of our recordings are available digitally on iTunes, CD Baby, Spotify, YouTube, etc.

Just search "Fyre and Lightning Consort"

Our four recordings:

A Perfect Day


The Winter It Is Past




Fyre and Lightning From Heaven Fall

Click on any of the titles below to hear audio samples

"A Perfect Day"
A Cantata by Dennis Murphy
"...wonderfully humorous, finely crafted and satisfying music.", Jim Lowe,Times Argus

Big Green Tree Dance of Deer and Goats
Boating on the River Come Quiet Night

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The Winter It Is Past: Renaissance and Traditional Music of England, Ireland and Scotland

"Simply a delight to listen to!"

"Outstanding for its warmth, clarity and rhythmic vitality", Jim Lowe,Times Argus

This recording features English Country dance tunes collected by John Playford, a couple of English Renaissance dances by Anthony Holborne, O'Carolan pieces arranged in a Renaissance style in 5 parts, Scottish bagpipe tunes and Irish and Scottish folk songs including the title track written by the famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns.

The English Country Dance
The Winter It Is Past...words by Robert Burns, folk tune arr. by Steven Light

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Arvolera, Amid the Trees:
Music of the Sefardic Jews

"The Fyre and Lightning Consort presents this fascinating music on a variety of early instruments, and with a musicality that is sometimes lacking in other interpretations. Absolutely beautiful, first to last.." Andy's Front Hall

Medieval Spain was the meeting ground of Islam and the Christian West. The history of medieval Spain consists largely of the shifting of power between the Christians and Muslims, with the Jews always in the middle.

The Jews had probably been in Spain since the time of Solomon (1000 BC). Jews were instrumental in helping the Moors to successfully invade Spain in 711 AD. Under the Moors the Jews prospered.

After about 1136, Judaism was again forbidden and Jews were persecuted. In 1492, the Spanish Inquisition caused the Expulsion of the Jews. Most crossed the Mediterranean settling in Turkey and around the Mediterranean basin. They carried with them an enormous body of folk songs, sung in Ladino (similar to old Spanish with some Hebrew thrown in).

The songs on this recording are some of our favorites and portray the richness of Sefardic culture. Although it is believed that these songs were mostly sung a capella, we have arranged them for our collection of early instruments as we feel that this only adds to the power of the music.

Five hundred years after Columbus, it is both fitting and important to celebrate the rediscovery of the music of the Sefardic Jews.

Scalerica de Oro..."The bride has no dowry, but she has plenty of good luck!"
Cuando el Rey Nimrod..."When King Nimrod went out into the countryside he saw a Holy Light"

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Fyre and Lightning From

Heaven Fall

"Nice arrangements, beautifully played. Vermont is lucky to have musicians as talented and diverse as these." Andy's Front Hall

Featuring Renaissance music from England, France and Flanders, Irish music and Contemporary music composed for us by our very own consort member, Dennis Murphy

The title (and our name) comes from the first line of a duet by Thomas Morley in his First Book of Canzonets to Two Voyces (London, 1595)

Kookoo recorder quartet with at least 36 "kookoos" in it! Composed by Dennis Murphy
Washerwoman Branle published by Arbeau (1588) arr. by Steven Light

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The Fyre and Lightning Duo
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(our "other" group)


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