TeacherÕs name:   _____________________________________

                    Grade/class:   ______________________________________

                          Subject:   ______________________________________

                  Date of plan:   ______________________________________

Date of implementation:   ______________________________________

Name of Unit:

Unit Description:

Introduction to the Unit: Describe your work: Why did you choose this topic? List Resources



List Focus Question(s) Why are these important?


Connections for kids: How will this topic engage them, connect to their interests and sustain, develop & expand their knowledge?


Goals and Objectives (Know and Do)


Number of lessons and overall length (length of lessons, total minutes)


Materials and Resources needed


Name and Description of each lesson

Standards addressed in each lesson









Prior knowledge


Introduction and ÒhookÓ/Closure


Assessment plan: How will learning be assessed? What types of activities will be used for formative, summative, self assessments?


How will the assessments be used to change the content and structure of the unit?


What other techniques and methods will be used to assess the effectiveness of the unit?


How will you set up the classroom environment to enhance the learning and maintain positive, safe interactions?


How will you adapt this unit for particular groups of students? How will you offer differentiation, personalization and/or individualization?


Other information...